As a manufacturer, your main challenge is to achieve quality production with maximum equipment availability and maximum machine performance.
Yet manual methods of measuring performance are still widespread, time-consuming and unreliable: it is estimated that they cause plants to lose between 5 and 30 performance points.
In this context, the integration of a dedicated tool makes perfect sense and will become an ally in your Lean approach to improving the performance of your machines.
The different types of loss of machine performance
The causes of loss of performance in an industrial environment can be very varied, but there is a list of the most common losses. You will find a non-exhaustive list below:
Equipment losses
- Losses due to breakdowns
- Losses due to settings
- Losses due to tool changes
- Start-up losses
- Losses due to microstops and idling
- Losses due to underspeed
- Losses due to defects and rework
- Losses due to programme stoppages and workshop closures
Labour-related losses
- Management losses
- Losses due to speed of execution
- Losses due to line organisation
- Logistics losses
- Losses due to measurement and adjustment
Material, tooling and energy losses
- Energy losses
- Losses due to tooling
- Losses due to material yield
TRS analysis with 16 TPM losses, Christophe Hohmann website
From this list, you can carry out targeted data collection based on the various events that have led to a drop in performance and determine their source.
Most manufacturers have an excellent understanding of the causes of efficiency losses that prevent their machines from reaching peak performance.
In the majority of cases, these are “simple” problems, often poorly dealt with for lack of time, money or technical/managerial skills. So the problem is not in identifying problems, but in measuring them, prioritizing them and, above all, dealing with them in the right order of priority with the right corrective measures.
How can we provide teams with simple, intelligible information to help them make decisions and support them in their efforts to improve performance? By providing them with transparency on the causes of the non-performance of their assets and supporting them in taking action to improve.
A dedicated monitoring tool to facilitate your improvement process
A performance monitoring tool will enable you not only to quickly identify the causes of loss of performance, but also to implement the right improvement plans.
The analysis of the sources of losses must be specific to your company. In fact, it is up to you to define the source of your event at the origin of the loss, for example maintenance, quality or managerial faults, etc.
Only customisation will enable you to adapt and, above all, facilitate the use of the tool so that day-to-day actions change and generate more value for the company.
Here are just a few of the benefits such a tool could bring to your organisation:
For the operator: Allows automatic communication on stoppages, real-time knowledge of production rate.
For the manager: Real-time status of equipment operation, simplified analysis, rapid suggestions for improvement.
For maintenance: Analysing the causes of recurring losses will enable a maintenance system to be adjusted or defined.
For management: To provide information that will enable a better analysis of the equipment load rate and thus guide the investment policy or the organisation of the teams.
All the members of your organisation will benefit from this data to implement an improvement process quickly, efficiently and transparently.
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