by Équipe TEEPTRAK | Dec 16, 2020 | Strategy
5 levels of maintenance to put under the Christmas tree As the festive season approaches, manufacturers are taking stock. How productive were their machines this year? Among the plants surveyed, around 5% of unplanned stoppages were due to breakdowns or maintenance in...
by Équipe TEEPTRAK | Nov 18, 2020 | Strategy
The 7 wastes of Lean: how to get rid of them? After rebounding slightly in July, French industrial production is now struggling to return to pre-crisis growth levels, with an increase of just 1.3% in the fourth quarter. With the exception of the food industry, the...
by Équipe TEEPTRAK | Oct 30, 2020 | Strategy
How can you improve your machine performance with a dedicated monitoring tool? As a manufacturer, your main challenge is to achieve quality production with maximum equipment availability and maximum machine performance. Yet manual methods of measuring performance are...
by Équipe TEEPTRAK | Oct 21, 2020 | Strategy
What tools are needed for a Lean deployment using the DMAIC method? Most of the time, when people ask for a definition of Lean, the answer given is often a list of tools, which in no way reflects the approach. Knowledge and mastery of Lean tools is central, but...
by Équipe TEEPTRAK | Oct 14, 2020 | Strategy
What indicators should you use to measure the performance of your machines? To achieve the objectives of a Lean approach focused on machine performance, it is necessary to exploit all the data linked to machine performance and availability. In this article, we will...
by Équipe TEEPTRAK | Oct 2, 2020 | Strategy
Our long-standing customer Nutriset wins the ‘Productivity Trophy The 2020 Plant Productivity Trophy has been awarded to Nutriset, one of TeepTrak’s long-standing customers. To meet this challenge, the company deployed our PerfTrak, MoniTrak and ProcessTrak...