TEEPTRAK blog articles
Everything you need to know about total productive maintenance
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a comprehensive approach to maximizing equipment efficiency. Total Productive Maintenance is a comprehensive approach to maximizing equipment efficiency by involving all employees in the maintenance process. By focusing on reducing breakdowns and losses, productive maintenance...
Discover our latest tablet: TEEPTRAK V3
Innovation is the driving force behind industrial transformation. In this context, the V3 tablet stands out as a high-performance tool for professionals. Designed to meet the growing demands of factories, this new version is distinguished by its enhanced features and optimized performance, ensuring maximum...
Maximise operational efficiency with PerfTrak: The power of OPC UA at your fingertips
OPC UA revolutionises TEEPTRAK: here's why.TEEPTRAK, a leader in technology solutions, has taken a major step forward by making its PerfTrak systems fully compatible with OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture). Discover how this revolutionary integration opens up new perspectives for the industry....
Emerging technologies to improve the performance of industrial machinery
Today's industrial companies are constantly looking for ways to improve the efficiency and performance of their machines. Fortunately, many emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence The latest trends in industrial technology can help meet this need. In this article, we explore the latest trends in...
How can you reduce the maintenance costs of your machines while maintaining quality and performance?
The maintenance of your production machinery is an essential aspect of any production site. However, maintenance costs can quickly add up and become a major financial burden for the company. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce maintenance costs. This will not harm the quality and performance of the...
10 tips to improve the performance of your machines
Machine performance is a crucial issue for companies. High-performance machines enable you to produce faster, reduce production costs and minimise downtime. In this article, we share 10 tips for improving the performance of your industrial machinery…
10 steps and tips for a successful factory tour :
The Gemba Walk, or ‘factory walk’, is a management routine proposed by the Lean philosophy. It is a practice that can be used to improve the operation of any industry or factory, and allows company managers to see their processes and procedures in a new light, as well as getting in touch with their staff. Here's our...
Everything you need to know about Gemba Walks
In the manufacturing industry, there is a practice known as Gemba Walk or factory tour. To briefly explain its principle, this practice consists of going to the workshop and checking operations in person…
What Muda Muri Mura is and why you should adopt it in Lean Management
Muda Mura Muri. Three words that may seem complicated to pronounce, but in reality they conceal a simple and effective management philosophy: Lean management. This philosophy is based on three fundamental principles: waste reduction (Muda), quality improvement (Mura) and speed (Muri)…
Lean Management: introduction
Today, Lean Management is well-known and present in many sectors of activity. The definitions are not always identical, but a common core emerges. We’re going to answer a number of questions here, from the simplest to the most unexpected. After reading this article, you will be able to answer questions such as ‘What is Lean Management? or ’What is the difference between Lean Management and Lean Manufacturing? Enough dithering, what is Lean management?
Ecology and economy, enemies or allies?
With the presidential elections just a few months away, all the country’s politicians are keen to win over the French people. A lot of issues are creating a buzz, but it’s important to keep in mind the priority issues for the future. And what are they? Apart from the cost of energy, for example, which is making life difficult, we need to start looking ahead today. How can we ensure a peaceful future in the short, medium and long term?
TRS or OEE? What indicators should you use to measure your performance?
The OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) and the TRS (Taux de Rendement Synthétique) now coexist in our French workshops. They are the benchmark for measuring machine performance. But what are the differences between the two? Do you have to change your calculation method to switch from one indicator to the other? Let’s find out together. When a plant is integrated into a group, for example, it is often necessary to change the indicators in question. As it’s not always easy to adapt, we’re going to take a look at the steps involved in this calculation…