by Équipe TEEPTRAK | Mar 3, 2023 | Uncategorized
10 tips for improve the performance of your machines Machine performance is a crucial issue for companies. High-performance machines enable you to produce faster, reduce production costs and minimise downtime. In this article, we’ll be sharing 10 tips for...
by Équipe TEEPTRAK | Sep 8, 2022 | Uncategorized
The Gemba Walk, or ‘factory walk’, is a management routine proposed by the Lean philosophy. It is a practice that can be used to improve the operation of any industry or factory, and allows company managers to see their processes and procedures in a new light, as well...
by Équipe TEEPTRAK | Jul 20, 2022 | Uncategorized
From quality control to production monitoring Gemba Walks can be an invaluable Lean management tool for quality control, if and only if they are carried out correctly. Veillez à choisir les bonnes personnes pour ce travail, à établir un plan et à prendre le temps de...
by Équipe TEEPTRAK | Jul 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
What Muda Muri Mura is and why you should adopt it in Lean Management Muda Mura Muri. Three words that may seem complicated to pronounce, but in reality they conceal a simple and effective management philosophy: Lean management.This philosophy is based on three...
by Équipe TEEPTRAK | Mar 26, 2021 | Strategy
Ergonomics, a necessary step in your Lean approach Ergonomics at the workstation is an important principle in Lean management. It helps to avoid disturbing situations, while at the same time generating added value. Taking ergonomics into account helps to reduce...