The Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a performance indicator developed by Seiichi Nakajima in the 1960s to measure the utilization rate of an industrial facility. OEE is the most frequently used indicator today to measure the performance of equipment, although there is no international consensus on this indicator today.

Nevertheless, the measurement provided by such an indicator is all relative and is, in practice, rather used to identify areas for improvement. OEE improvement is measured against a benchmark for a given piece of equipment; the value of this indicator is therefore specific to that equipment and is not comparable with other types of equipment in other departments or plants. Maximizing OEE or TEEP does not necessarily mean reaching the overall optimum for the production entity.



TEEPTRAK allows you to assign a fully configurable set of performance loss cause categories to each piece of equipment or area monitored. With PerfTrak, QualTrak and PaceTrak solutions, these causes can be entered by the operator on his tablet when an output gap (machine stoppage, underperformance, etc.) is reported to him by the TEEPTRAK module.

These causes of loss will be linked to groups of causes that will make up the performance indicators. When constructing an indicator, certain groups of causes may be included or excluded from the calculation of the indicator.

Below is an example of a performance loss nomenclature for each typical category of OEE/TEEP indicator calculation. To monitor OEE, the categories “Production Site Shutdown” and “Planned Downtime” will not be included in its calculation.
